Wednesday 18 April 2012

Final 3D Model

This is my 3d model. Again with this, there are certain parts of this modelo im pleased with. The eyes look nice and I do think the cartoon feel works. I also like how I was able to make the character chubby which is better shown in my 3D Max file unfortunately. Eventhough it looks a bit sketchy on the final printout of the model, I do like the hands as I do think they at least lok like hands and look appropiate to his alien look.

Parts which really need to improve on are certain element of his face which are distorted in certain views eventhough when creating they were fine. The shoes need a lot of work. I think this is due to the reason that I didnt know how to do this properly.

To major points to mention from my inital ideas that I tihnk really brings this down. I planned on creating a jetpack based shoulder bag at end. When initially modelling, i created this but due to max failure and my bad time co-ordination, this was unable to be created again to the amount of detail of created initally. Second is the texturing. Being honest, bad time organization and lack of knowledge in some areas made this need major improvements. Apart from the face that I did change the turnaround ( this being due to not knowing how to properly use photoshop files and jpegs with the model). The textures didnt work in the end for me so I didnt create the highest quality standard I can personally create.


After re-visiting my turnaround is the initial one wasnt sufficient and detai lacked, I think these new turnarounds work and made it a lot easier for me to model my work. Eventhough is some properties, the size made it hard to work with but overall, especially the face, these did help me in modelling more then my first draft

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Realistic Hand Start

Beginning of creating a more realistic hanbd. The actual method of creating this hand was a lot more realistic and much easier to create. I do think that I needed more learning in this and maybe some more reference material to create the rest of the hand.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Developing my UVW Unwrapping skills with seems. I tihnk from this I pretty much got the hang of how to use seems properly and efectively to then edit my 3d models. Much easier then material IDs

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Final Face: Ken Advice Modifications

This is the model of the face after Ken gave me some topics of modification to adjust. Adding the mouth properly, adjusting the nose etc. Overall I think for someone hwo isnt particularly skilled in this area, this isnt a bad attempt and you see what it is.

Models of Face from Edge Modelling (Using Edge Loops)

Without Smoothing

With Smoothing

I think the modelling went pretty efficiently and worked well. Maybe some small errors or a lighting mistake i've made. Overall though, I was pretty happy with this in the end

Wednesday 8 February 2012

First Attempt at Modelling Cartoon Face

As im planning to create a cartoon based model as my character, I attempted one in the area and even though I like the face and I think this is well rendered to a certain point, I do think that the moustache needs a lot of work and adjusted