Wednesday 28 September 2011

Robot 1 Development

Non Smoothed Picture of First Developed Robot from Class. This is the generic shape of the robot, before I smoothed it.

This is the smoothed version of the Robot. I again liked this version of the robot as I think it looks quite effective from the use of the tools and techniques we had learnt.
In this post, i'll be talking about the different techniques we learnt in class to create a tin robot

Thursday 22 September 2011

Dinosaur in 3D Assignment

Stage 1 - Creating simple shapes and beginning the extruding of faces and  vertices

Stage 2 - Here a second extrusion and edit of the axies to make the legs of the dinosaur

Stage 3 - Here I start playing more with the shape of the whole dinosaur  to make it look more rounded and  smooth

Stage 4 - After looking at some reference material, I looked to see the Brontosaurus had a higher neck so I edited it this way 

Stage 5 - I had made too many edits at this point on the dinosaur shape and when turbo-smoothing it, a dent had appeared near the neck so I had to go back to the model to fix this part

Final Stage - Here I edited it in Polygonal mode and made it look more realistic and without the dent in the neck to make it look like this when turbo-smoothed
For the first small assignment, in Autodesk 3DS Max we had to create a Brontosaurus Dinosaur. I just wanted to show the stages that I went through for this part of my research and practice in the 3D area of games which will all help me into creating a 3D Character model for the final piece.

Start of Blog

This shall be the blog I use to update my progress and any important links, research or documentation that I use or need in my project work.